“When should we be worried about our one year old’s speech and language?”

Parents want to make sure that they are doing everything they can to encourage their child’s development. First time parents are often anxious when we see our children “lagging behind” a same aged peer. While there is WIDE variability in skills at age one, it can be hard for us not to make comparisons when we see same-aged peers in different developmental levels than our own children. So, what is normal and when should we be concerned?

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So how can we help our preschoolers to develop adequate fine motor skills to meet the demands of kindergarten? Here are some tips to get those little hands moving!

Remember, they are still figuring it out so it’s ok to use hand over hand assistance as necessary to teach proper grip when they’re getting started! Make it fun!!

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Amanda Garner

When I was pregnant with my first child, I religiously read all the books. Despite the fact that I had worked in pediatrics for years and that I had cared for children in various capacities for over half my life, I found my way to What to Expect When You Are Expecting and Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care and consumed them like a dry sponge absorbing water. My parents were great parents and I wanted desperately to do it right with my own kids, too. When our first son was born, I quickly learned that children don’t come with instruction manuals. The books and friends and family gave me great insight and wisdom, but there was a lot that we had to figure out on our own. And even as we got into a good swing of parenting, when we added a second child into the mix, I quickly learned that a good many of my tried and true tricks didn’t work the second time around. Or the third for that matter.

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Amanda Garner

We are thrilled to announce that we will be rolling out some new options for you:

  • Teletherapy: Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, speech and language therapy and occupational therapy can still happen in the midst of the COVID19 crisis.

  • Home Programs: We would be happy create a home program tailored to your child’s specific needs and meet you in a teleconference for a consultation to review how to implement it at home.

  • Social Media: Do you follow us on Insta? Have you checked out our Facebook Page? There is no social distancing on our socials!

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At Garner Therapy Services, we have been toying with the idea of connecting with you via our blog for awhile. So, while we are abiding in this strange moment in time, we will do our best to push ideas, techniques, wisdom, humor, and resources to this platform. We’d love to connect with you while we are here. Let us know what you miss, what you need, and how we can help!

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