We are excited to meet and work with your family! Here’s how you can prepare for your child’s visit!

  1. Bring a list of your concerns. Our therapy staff will ask questions throughout the evaluation process to gather information; however, your concerns and instincts are insightful. Help us understand what you see in your home or school environment and what concerns or questions you have about your child’s development.

  1. Take videos or photos. Children can behave differently in different environments. Video or photo examples that document your concerns with your child’s development are helpful for us to accurately diagnose and treat any delays or disorders.

  1. Be prepared to share your child’s history. Pregnancy history, birth history, family history, medical history, and developmental history help our therapists gain a full and accurate picture of your child.

  1. Share your child’s current skills. While our therapists will ask questions, interact with your child, and conduct a series of standardized tests to assess your child’s skills, we also recognize that YOU know your child best. Your own thoughts on your child’s attention, listening skills, ability to follow directions, comprehension, fine motor skills, sensory sensitivities, gestures, intelligibility in conversation, and use of speech sounds is so helpful!

  1. Bring examples. Does your child have a limited number of words? Make a list for us! Is your child’s handwriting difficult to read? Show us an example.

  1. Ask questions. Our therapists are experts in our areas of childhood development. We have extensive experience working with children of all ages and want to be a resource for you to better help your child reach their developmental potential. If we don’t know the answer, we will tell you that and try to help you find it.