When I was pregnant with my first child, I religiously read all the books. Despite the fact that I had worked in pediatrics for years and that I had cared for children in various capacities for over half my life, I found my way to What to Expect When You Are Expecting and Dr. Spock’s Baby and Child Care and consumed them like a dry sponge absorbing water. My parents were great parents and I wanted desperately to do it right with my own kids, too. When our first son was born, I quickly learned that (disappointingly) children don’t come with instruction manuals. While books and friends and family gave me great insight and wisdom, there was a lot that we had to figure out on our own. And even as we got into a good swing of parenting, when we added a second child into the mix, I quickly learned that many of my tried and true tricks didn’t work the second time around. Or the third.

At Garner Therapy Services, we want you to know we get it. We know you are trying to be the best parent or guardian you can be to the children in your care. We know you are trying to get it right. We know it can be anxiety inducing when things don’t go according to the book or according to the plan. We are here to partner with you and help you to improve your child’s skills and reach their developmental potential. 

So then, what should you expect when you make an appointment for a speech language evaluation or an occupational therapy evaluation? 

Prior to your appointment, we will gather information over the phone or via email to hear your concerns about your child’s development to determine the type of evaluation your child will need. At that time, we will work with you to find an available evaluation slot that works best for your schedule. 

When you arrive for your evaluation, we will welcome you to our office and usher you to a therapy room. At Garner Therapy Services, our focus is on the child and as such, our evaluations and our therapy services are intentionally play based. During your evaluation, your child will be asked to look at books, name photos or pictures, play with toys, and participate in a variety of developmental tasks related to the area of concern. We will gather some background information from you and invite you to participate in portions of the evaluation. 

Our evaluations range in length from 20 minutes for a quick screening to 1-1.5 hours for a full evaluation depending on the length and complexity of the standardized tests we will need to administer. We offer breaks throughout the evaluation and you are welcome to bring a snack for your child as needed. 

Payment is due at the time of the evaluation. Evaluations can range in cost depending on what type of evaluation is most suitable for your child’s age, your concerns, and your child’s development. 

Following your evaluation, we will give you initial findings and recommendations. You will receive a written report for your records within 1-2 weeks of your evaluation. Our staff will work with you to schedule any recommended follow up appointments through our office. 

Are you ready to book an appointment? We are here to help!

Amanda Garner