We are finding ourselves in a new reality this month with school and restaurant and gym closures all around us due to the continued spread of COVID19 in our region. Our staff at Garner Therapy Services is committed to following the recommended guidelines and limiting our contact with others for their safety and for ours, but in the meantime, we can’t stop thinking about how we miss our clients and their families and our work. We went into this field because we love to help other people. We love that spark when a child “gets it” and we love fanning the fire of progress in our patients’ development. We love that look of pride on a parent’s face when they see the hard work paying off. We love talking with teachers and school directors about how we can partner with them to help their students reach their full potential. We miss our normal work.

While this unusual time in our history will undoubtedly be marked with sickness and death, shocking gaps in our social structure, and overwhelming uncertainty and fear, we have started to also catch glimpses of beauty in the ashes. We are hearing stories of families eating meals together, playing games, and learning new skills. We have seen teachers and artists and scientists from across the country sharing their ideas and art and brillance to help have hope while we wait. Our water and air are cleaner from our reduced travel and work. We are hearing about neighbors sharing food and resources. We’re seeing innovation and vulnerability and interdependence and generosity. This IS a really difficult and scary time… AND we hope it will be a time from which new patterns, new resources, and new ideas emerge.

At Garner Therapy Services, we have been toying with the idea of connecting with you via our blog for awhile. So, while we are abiding in this strange moment in time, we will do our best to push ideas, techniques, wisdom, humor, and resources to this platform. We’d love to connect with you while we are here. Let us know what you miss, what you need, and how we can help!

- Amanda